Wednesday, April 4, 2012


  1. I just love your pictures! The effects and the mood it creates is awesome, and each one has their own little reckless behavior. I think it would of been nice to see some dyptics or something like that.

  2. I love your theme, and your pictures. You portrayed the theme really well. I agree with Nataly, maybe some dyptics would look nice. But other than that, I think your pictures are great.

  3. Nice job Jen! I really like the strong lighting you have in some of your pictures, the only thing I might change is that some of your pictures are very similiar, I might try adding a few more on different concepts for variety, or creating a dyptic. Good job!

  4. Your 5th photo is my most favorite one! It gives off a reckless mood. Nicely taken. But I personally dont understand what the 11th photo demonstrates. But besides that great job.

  5. I really like your pictures and I think they really explain and show your concentration theme. Like Molly said, there are a few pictures that are very similar and I would maybe replace those. Other than that, your concentration is great!

  6. Your pictures are awesome! the pictures looking over the Gorge are incredible. The only thing I might add would be more contrast in some of the photo where there is more gray.

  7. There is wonderful placement of your model in all of these pictures! I think that you have a strong concentration series, but like the others said, some of your photos are very similar. And the clarity in #10 is a little off, so maybe that can be fixed with editing. Other than that you did an awesome job :)

  8. This is a really great concentration idea and all of your images use lots of the principles of design! There are some images that are difficult to see how they connect to your theme. But overall, this is great!

  9. I really like your theme which you worked really well with it. I agree that maybe working with some diptics and contrast with the photos would help. All in all though you work with angles really well and your pictures look great!

  10. Your top pictures are very awesome! but I feel like you should think about putting some of the last ones together.

  11. I like your idea for concentration too. I think you've shown it really well and I like your photos a lot. A lot of them seem to be of similar shots, so maybe have photos of less alike content, but other than that, they're really clear, you have great lighting, line movement and great ideas.

  12. I really like your theme and I think you worked well with it. I like the variety of settings that your photos were taken in. Some of the pictures were really abstract and clear, which is great! The only thing I think you should work on is the variety of your pictures. Some of them, and the content, seemed too similar. Good ideas and photos though!
